

Three Things You Must Know About Intercom System Installation

Have you been thinking of installing an intercom system in your office or residential building? If so, you are making one of the best decisions for the safety and security of the residents in the building. Anintercom system is a great way to ensure that no one enters the building without prior permission from the residents.

Intercom systems allows the residents to talk or see the visitors before allowing them on the property. This enhances the safety of the building tremendously. And with the current scenario where we constantly hear about burglaries, theft, and other serious crime, having an intercom system will give peace of mind to the residents to some extent.

However, an intercom system will work efficiently if it has been installed proficiently. And if you are already planning on getting this system installed in the building, here are three things you must know.

  • Get to know the parts of the intercom system

One of the first things that you should do is learn about the different intercom system parts. Each intercom system is unique and based on the system you choose you will get the following three parts:

  1. Base station: An intercom system can have a base station. This base station will be connected to all the intercoms in the building. With a base station, it becomes easy to broadcast any message across the building through all intercoms. You may or may not need a base station. Getting an intercom base station will depend on the requirements of your building.
  2. Substation: Generally speaking, you can call an intercom substation as speakers. Intercom substationsdon’t have a microphone for a conversation, instead, they are meant to just broadcast the messages on the property. Typically, you will find intercom substations in larger properties such as schools, airports, train stations, factories, and more. You can also install a substation in your house if you want to broadcast music all over the property.
  3. Intercom stations: These are the typical units that you think about when anybody says intercom. The units will be mounted on the wall or kept on desks and will have a press button to communicate with the person on the other end. These intercom stations can be typically seen at residential buildings where each apartment has a unit that is installed in their home that is connected to the unit at the main door.

Now, when you buy an intercom system, you may or may not get all three parts. For example, for a residential building getting only the intercom station will suffice. It will not need an intercom base station or substation. So, it will entirely depend on the type of intercom system you get for your property.

  • The location of the intercom unit is crucial

The next thing that you must know is that the location of the intercom is also crucial. You need to determine the exact location of installing your intercom for the highest efficiency. And the location will depend on the following three factors:

  1. The type of system you choose
  2. Your property
  3. How do you want to use the system?

Let’s understand this with two examples:

  1. Example 1: So, you choose a simple system that has one or two units, and you want to install the units at your home. The best location for installing the intercom system would be, one unit at the main door and one unit at a place where the residents can easily access it.
  2. Example 2: If you choose a system that has a base station, substation, and multiple units, you need to have a larger property such as a school. So, in school, the base station can be installed in the principal’s office. This will allow him/her to make important announcements relevant to the administration. The intercom substation can be installed in different areas of the schools such as grounds, school halls, auditoriums, and such. And lastly, the multiple units can be installed in the offices of other authorities and teachers to have immediate communication with the staff.

As you can see, based on the system you get and your property, you must plan the location of the intercom system efficiently. This will allow you to get the most out of this system. After all, you will spend some money buying the system and you would want the highest return on your investment.

  • Get professional installation

Lastly, make sure that you hire a professional company that can install the intercom system on your property. It doesn’t matter what kind of intercom system you have or the extent of your property, having a professional company to install your intercom system will be beneficial.

A professional company will ensure that the intercom installation is done right in the first. There might be some complicated wiring or installation of components that only a professional company can handle. In addition to installing the intercom system, the professional company will provide ongoing support to you. This will include repair and maintenance services ensuring that your system works perfectly for longer.

You might think that professional installation will cost you more but trust us, it will be worth it! You will have peace of mind, a fantastically working intercom system, and support service just a call away.

Core Tech Security: Offering professional installation service

If you have been already looking for professional installation services for your intercom, you can get in touch with us at Core Tech Security. We are amongst the leading companies in Perth that provide the finest quality installation services for intercom and security systems.

We have a team of professionals that are certified and experienced to provide the best installation services for intercom, CCTV security camera systems, alarm systems, and wireless security systems. We provide our services to residential and commercial properties. We make sure that we go the extra mile for our customers and ensure to deliver 100% satisfaction.

Contact our team now to know more about the services in detail.


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